Saturday, December 8, 2012

LOTR Marathon

Since The Hobbit is coming out soon we tried to do a Lord of the Ring extended version movie marathon last night. Apparently a couple of them tried it about five years ago when all three first came out and a few were able to stay awake the entire night. Five years later not one of us made it. We started a little before midnight and made it through the first one okay but everyone passed out during the second one. After a couple hours I woke up to this:

I thought about changing it to the next disc but since everyone around me was asleep I decided not too. I guess that others also woke up but made the same decision. Most people were up around 8am and we decided to continue forward.

At approximately 2 pm we finally finished all three movies. Conclusion? We are getting too old for such activities. I still love the movies though.

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