Monday, September 2, 2013

Unique Service.

Well I survived Texas nature. The afternoons are brutal but the evenings are wonderful. Between the hours of 3-7pm everyone just had this dazed look on their face as they struggled to just move from one bench to another. haha It's actually kind of funny thinking about it now but at the time we were miserable. By nighttime though it's great. Since we were by the water there was a nice breeze but it was still warm enough to be in shorts and a tank, completely different from PNW camping where you're piling on the layers and huddling by the fire to stay warm. I ended up sleeping in the car too cause the tent was going to be too cramped with all of us girls. I must say my car is more comfortable to sleep in than I imagined...I guess being short has its benefits when trying to fit comfortably in small areas.

During our campfire time we had a time for campfire questions. There was quite an array of questions from your first crush to the greatest thing God has done in your life. The one question that got me thinking was this: what service has God burdened you that is unique to you? Honestly when I first heard this question I was glad I wasn't the one that got it because I wouldn't know how to answer it. But it did get me thinking...why did I get involved in the services at HCA? I realized that many times I serve because there is a hole that needs to be filled so I serve. Since I've had previous experience with kids teaching just makes sense. I don't think it's wrong to serve because there are many needs in God's house that needs to be filled but the heart behind that service is crucial. I realized that I may be neglecting the real burden that God has place on my heart and that is the service of prayer.

My prayer life is lacking in many way but I've definitely received burdens from the Lord to prayer for a person, group, or matter. Instead of being diligent though I get lazy and feel that prayer can't do much, really I just don't trust God enough to think that He'll hear and answer prayers. Behind every outward action of service, there needs to be even more of the inward service of prayer. I feel incompetent in many ways when it comes to outwards deeds because there are those around me much more capable than I am but I need to respond to the burden on prayer that the Lord has placed on my heart.

As much as I struggled to go on this trip, God knew I needed to be there and I am thankful for going. Now I need to catch up on reading for school tomorrow...sigh.

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