Saturday, February 1, 2014

John 18

Two points from that stood out to me from John 18:

1) The Roman cohort and officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees came looking for Jesus with lanterns and torches and weapons. 
It is interesting that after all this time these people felt that they needed to bring lanterns and weapons to approach our Lord. Our Lord is the Light and He has the almighty Power, yet his life on earth was one of one full of peace. He was able to live this life even while knowing why He was here on earth. We are those that have the life of Christ in us, do our lives testify of the character of Christ? Do people feel that they need to approach us ready to fight?

2) Peter was ready to die for the Lord in the garden but could not stand for Him during everyday events.
 I've always looked at Peter's action of cutting of Malchus's ear as one of foolishness but this time I have to admire what he did. Even though he acted in a way that he wasn't supposed to, Peter was ready to defend our Lord even if it meant death. In John 13 Peter declares that he will lay down his life for the Lord and here in John 18 he is ready to do just that. This could be considered a defining moment in Peter's life, a moment where he had to risk his life to stand up for Christ and he was able to do it. I admire Peter in this matter because I'm not sure if I have those real defining moments where I stood up for Christ even to the point of "death". But we find that Peter later denies our Lord three times in moments that were less "exciting". I guess this could be compared to our everyday walk in the world, when the the "Roman cohort" isn't attacking us. How much easier it is to deny our Lord when we go about the mundane everyday tasks? We let our guard down and then we quickly find ourselves denying the life of Christ that is living inside of us.

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