Sunday, August 12, 2012

Moving Onward.

Praise the Lord that my parents safely arrived in Houston late Friday night. It was nice to spend some more time with them away from the busyness that seems to be associated with being at home. Even during my last few days at home it seemed like we didn't get to talk much because they were occupied with church matters. I appreciate the fellowship that we're now able to have now and will miss being able to do that on a more regular basis.

The last couple days have been a blur, there isn't much you can do when you don't have a car so I've been watching a lot of TV shows. I'm all caught up on Rookie Blue now and am watching the second season of Downton Abbey. Jessica and I went to go workout at the UH gym the other day which was fun, I think it's smaller than the IMA but it's still a very nice gym. I start work tomorrow and am a bit anxious because I'm not sure what to expect so pray for me as I transition into working life.

Brother Dale shared a message with us today about moving onward that I feel fits perfectly with what I'm experiencing right now. God is a God of movement and He is constantly moving forward towards the completion of His perfect plan. We have been called like Abraham to come out of our present situation and move onward with the Lord, to be sojourners towards a "city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Heb 11:10)". We have a choice as to whether or not we want to obey this calling but the only way to please the Lord is to follow the path He has set before us, a path of self-denial and selflessness. I'm not yet able to fully comprehend what the Kingdom is but I know that the Lord is working in my life so that I can learn this lesson of moving forward so that one day I may be fit for His Kingdom.

After my parents left today I was reflecting upon why I am here in Houston. I know that it is the Lord that gave me this fellowship opportunity but I've been struggling with what my purpose here is besides my job. It's never easy/fun being in a new group, especially one that is so large, and I'm not an extroverted person making it hard to meet people. The Lord has truly blessed me over these past years with a comfortable life. I never imagined myself to be somewhere so far away from home; and yet, He has called me out of my comfort zone and has asked me to move forward in the direction He has set before me. I have to admit that I was reluctant to move forward but Brother Dale's message reminded me today that my walk with the Lord needs to constantly be moving forward, it can not be a stagnant one. Sometimes the Lord needs to physically move us so that our spiritual life will also be able to move forward.

I hope that I don't come across as saying that I couldn't grow spiritually in Seattle, because I have...I believe that we all have grown this past year...but maybe I have been too blessed by you guys that I am not actively pursuing after the Lord as I should; I have forgotten what it means to rely on Him in all matters. Over these last few days, in a foreign environment, I have already been forced to turn to Him in even the smallest matters. I know it's silly but not having a car has been very inconvenient...especially with working out...but as I brought that matter before the Lord I was reminded that I still had WCCC messages to catch up on which are definitely more beneficial to my spiritual life. My prayer is that the Lord may continue show me His will for me while I'm here so that I can continue to grow in my walk with Him.

Luke 9:61-62
Another also said, “I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home.” But Jesus said to him, “ No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

It is clear to me that it was the Lord that called me to leave Seattle and although I am not sure why He has brought me here I must learn to follow after Him wholeheartedly without looking back. He has always proven Himself to be faithful and I know that by His mercy and grace I can face tomorrow.

Sorry that this post has been text heavy...hopefully I'll have more exciting things to share tomorrow after my first day! Hope that Seattle weather is treating you guys well. :)


  1. Still such an encouragement from so far away :) praying for you! Seattle weather is killing me...

  2. the weather hasnt been THAT bad
