Thursday, August 9, 2012

Settling in.

Praise the Lord that I'm adapting to Houston life quite well. As long as I stay indoors most of the time the weather isn't too bad, I do miss being outside to enjoy the sun though. Hopefully things will cool down in the next few months and I'll be able to be outside without feeling like I've walked into a sauna. Here are a few pics that I've managed to take, I'm not used to having to take picture because usually someone else has that area covered.  

 Trail that I went running on in the morning by the bayou...pretty sure I was the only non black person there. 
I went at 7 in the morning and I was already sweating like crazy, I can only imagine what Michael would be like :p

 A sample of the houses that are around the area I'm in right now. There are some really nice ones like this and then some not so nice ones. 

The car that the Yong's have so graciously allowed me to drive. Honestly, it's the first time that I've driven this size of a car on the highway but it has been fun. I'm slowly finding my way around here but I'm probably still going to invest in a GPS. 

 Living at Tim's aunt's place is quite interesting because they rent out some of their rooms to international students. The house has been quite empty during the days because most of them are still finishing up summer school so I have to entertain myself. We try to eat dinners together and I'm mentally exhausted afterwards because the conversations are always in fast-pace Chinese. It's okay though because Jessica's Chinese is worse than mine. :)

I do miss Seattle a lot. As kind as the people are here at HCA it still feels weird to go to prayer meeting and not see you guys. I'm sure it'll get easier but for now I'm still just the new girl. 

I should be finalizing an apartment soon so I'll keep you guys updated, then you guys can come visit me!


  1. so are you going to pay for our plane tix to visit? haha

  2. Have you seen an gators? O.o haha WE MISS YOU TOO TIFFANY!!!!
