Thursday, November 1, 2012

Living an easy life.

"But he who listens to me shall live securely And will be at ease from the dread of evil."
-Proverbs 1:33

The Lord has not promised that if we listen to Him our life will be easy but He has said that we will be able to live securely. So often we feel that our lives should be easy because that is how the Lord blesses us. We pursue after the enjoyments of life but what we find is that many times our obedience to His voice doesn't result in an "easy" life because it requires us setting aside our own will and ideas. What we do find is that when we are able to listen we are able to live a secure life before Him because we see our obedience leads to protection from the evilness of this world. Praise the Lord for the reminder this morning that as I start off the day I would not pray for an easy day but that I may give Him thanks that I can live securely in His presence as long as I am sensitive to His leading in everything I do.

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