Thursday, January 2, 2014


2013 was a rough year but I am thankful that through the difficulties the Lord was able to reveal more of Himself to me. As I move into 2014 I pray that I would not forget the hard lessons I learned but that I would be able to build upon them and grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord. I haven't set any new years resolutions for many years because I was always disappointed by the fact that I could never keep them but I feel like I should at least try to form some concrete resolutions for this year. I understand that I can't keep them by my own strength but that as I bring them before the Lord He is faithful and is the one that does the keeping. 

The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times. You, O Lord, will keep them; You will preserve him from this generation forever.
Psalm 12: 6-7 are my prayers before the Lord for the year 2014:

1. To be able to find joy in Him.
There are many things that may happen this year that I will be not content with, whether it is life circumstances or perceptions I have about myself, but I realize that this should not define my sense of joy in the Lord. Being content in the Lord doesn't mean that I need to be happy with life on this earth; being content in the Lord is a deeper sense of satisfaction that exists even when I'm unsettled by my earthly circumstances. 
2. To treasure His Words.
Finding satisfaction in the Lord is impossible if I don't spend time with Him. I've struggled with spending quiet time before the Lord in the past and my prayer is that the Lord would burden me with the desire to treasure His word and the time I spend in His presence. This blog was created as a way to document the work that the Lord has been doing in my life but I haven't been very good with staying consistent. Honestly, it's probably a pretty good reflection of my condition before the Lord. My prayer for this year is that I would give Him the time He deserves each day and use this blog as a way of remembering His speaking/working in my life. 

3. To be obedient before the Lord.
In the parable of the blind man, the Lord placed mud on the eyes of the blind man but he needed to be obedient to the Lord's command to go to wash it off. The Lord sometimes burdens me with something or reveals something that He's doing in my life but I am unwilling to take the step to obey and submit to His leading. In this next year I pray that I would allow Him to soften my heart so that I would be obedient before Him, whether it is letting of something I've been clinging onto or taking up something I've been avoiding.

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