Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Little Leaven

I was convicted by the Lord today about overstepping the line when it came to trying to make the "right" decision about a situation. Throughout our conversations I felt like we were going in circles and we always ended up more confused than we had started. Tonight I suddenly felt the Lord telling me why things were so confusing, we had forgotten to ask the Lord about His decision. I had allowed man's voice and reasoning to enter into my mind and had blocked out the voice of our Lord, That's why I couldn't feel peaceful about any decision that was being made. So often we seek after the advice of man, and the advice might even be good, but unless we ask the Lord for His way, we will never feel at peace. 

As I was getting ready for bed I was led to read Galatians 5 where it talks about walking by the Spirit. 

You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you. A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. 
Galatians 5:7

It doesn't take much, just a little leaven, and we lose clarity in our life. It is only when we walk by the Spirit will we be able to resist the desires of the flesh. We don't need to stray far from this path and all of a sudden the thoughts of the flesh come flooding in and we lose our sense of direction and peace. If He calls us to do something we need to follow, we cannot allow anything else to persuade us otherwise.

I think I was reminded of this not only for myself but that I need to trust the leading of the Spirit in my brothers and sisters. We may not see what they see, but we need to trust that they are sincere before the Lord and that the Lord is working in their life. We all make mistakes but that's why we need the Blood of the Lamb. He is gracious and merciful towards us and as long as we have the heart He can continue to work. 

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