Sunday, October 28, 2012


I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I heard that the cold front was coming to Houston but I experienced it yesterday. We had a high in the 60s and it overcast and slightly windy the entire day. When I woke up this morning I didn't want to get out of bed because it was freezing. I finally got up and went downstairs to check the thermostat and saw that my apartment was 67 felt the same inside my apartment was it was outside. For some reason I remember that 67 in Seattle felt comfortable but I wore a long sleeve shirt and a sweater just to stay warm today, I'm not sure what that means for me when I do go back to Seattle in a couple weeks. haha

Last night we had a combined sharing meeting with the high school group on the topic of our relationship with God and since I was asked to facilitate a group with Jill I've been spending time before the Lord reflecting upon this topic. The three subtopics were morning devotion, preparing for Bible study, and godly time management. None of these topic were new to me but I feel as if I've gotten a new perspective of godly time management since I've started working. Maybe it's the fact that Stephanie chose to call it "godly time management" but I've never made a real connection between time management and my spiritual condition before the Lord; to me time management in college meant being efficient with my time so that I'd be able to complete the tasks before me...which included reading the Bible and praying. Now that I'm working I'm at work for eight hours every day and then I'm able to leave work at work and come home  It's nice because once I'm home I don't have homework to do or exams to study for but I've also developed this attitude where I feel that I've earned the evening to relax because I truly am exhausted. Plus, there are the regular meetings that I attend throughout the week so any time that I have to myself I feel that I have earned the right to do whatever it is I want...which usually involves reading blogs and catching up on TV shows. Days can go by like this before I realize that I still haven't had time to prepare for Bible study or that I haven't progressed any further in reading The Normal Christian Life.

Preparing for this discussion reminded me that my attitude is wrong, ALL of my time belongs to the Lord and what I do with my time is a reflection of how much of His life is in me.

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5: 15-17

May the Lord once again place a sense of urgency within me so that I won't allow time to dwindle away; that even my time of "relaxing" may have eternal value.

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