Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Commit your works.

Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

As I spent time before the Lord this morning this verse caught my attention because it is something I've been struggling to do. Part of me has been reluctant to seek before the Lord regarding my plans for next year because I am afraid of what He may reveal to me. I know that once I place this decision into His hands He will give me an answer that I need to obey. I'm running short on time because I need to get to work but my prayer is that He may continue to soften my heart so that I will be willing to submit my will under His. I know that He has a plan for me and I know that I need to commit all that I do into His hands but I need Him to break my stiff-necked nature so that I'm willing to humble myself. At Bible study on Friday we had fellowship  about making decisions with eternal value. Although His way for me may not necessarily be easy for me to follow at first I know that my willingness to submit to His way is the only way to gain anything of eternal value. Hopefully we can all learn to commit our works, both the big and small things, into His hands so that His plan may be established in our lives. What a beautiful testimony that would be before the Lord.

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