Monday, October 1, 2012

Fattening Weekend

It has been a busy weekend of eating and playing. It started out Saturday morning with a baby shower for a sister at church as well as for Stephanie. I failed and forgot to take picture of the cute set up but I did get a picture of the diaper cake Susan made for Stephanie.

It was nice to hear the advice that older sisters had to give about raising children and although I don't see myself with kids for a while longer I will definitely meditate upon what was shared for future purposes.

After that, I attended a gathering that the Chinese Gospel Group had to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. I went because a sister kept inviting me to attend and I felt bad about rejecting her previous invitations to events before. Even though I was reluctant to go at first because I didn't know any of them and because it would all be in Chinese, I praise the Lord that I went because it was encouraging to see and hear the testimonies of  brothers and sisters with a background quite different from mine. Although I didn't feel like we had much in common we were still able to fellowship because we shared a common Life. Of course there was also a lot of good food, it's amazing how much food the sisters are able to produce in a short amount of time.

 This is not even half of the choices of food there but I was still stuffed from the baby shower earlier in the day that this was all I could manage to try.

Sunday was a dumpling making party with the YES group. Spring is a pro when it come to Asian cuisine so we try to get her to cook for us whenever we can. Last time we got together to make cong you bing and this time it was dumplings. We made the standard chives and pork dumpling but we also decided to be adventurous and try to make Korean kimchi dumpling. Spring did the important part of putting in the sauces so I still don't really know what she put in there but at least I know the other ingredients used. haha The kimchi dumplings turned out yummy but I think that we squeezed out too much of the liquid so there wasn't much kimchi taste. Oh well, we can try again next time. 

Spring hard at work mixing the ingredients together.

 Girls hard at work wrapping the dumplings while....

 The boys are busy playing video games. Typical.

Don't worry though cause we put them to work afterwards. 

I'm happy to say that I still feel fine with no signs of food poisoning. The kitchen was a complete mess afterwards though, I should've taken a picture of it but we were too busy trying to clean it up so we could go home. Waking up this morning I could feel the food from this weekend still sitting in my stomach. As much fun as this weekend was I'm ready to go back to my regular eating habits and hopefully lose the couple pounds I'm pretty sure I've gained. :) 

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